Any attempt to find the weather for Coudersport usually results in finding the weather for places up to 100 miles from here...can you believe that it is tough to get pinpoint weather forecasts for Coudy!?? We have given several sources below that might help you in your search for accurate weather info. Most include radar, forecasts for "local" places, and email alert services.

Note that accuweather along with the 2 text links that follow are good places to start. Each will open a new browser window so that you can easily toggle right back here:)

Accuweather weather infomation and forecasts

WeatherBug info from Shinglehouse, PA

State College National Weather Service Office (where watches and warnings are issued)

Enter Your Destination...

From the Weather Channel - Please note that all units are METRIC!

From Regional Radar - Centered in Rochester, NY (the radar may be temporarily unavailable at times, but can be seen by clicking on the empty image box below)

Also from National Snowfall Forecast Map

Click for Coudersport, Pennsylvania Forecast

Conditions for Coudersport as observed in Bradford, PA